viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008


L'auditori de Göteborg. Actualment, l'orquestra nacional de Suècia està dirigida per un director jove molt famós d'Amèrica del Sud (Brasil o Argentina?), Gustavo Dudamel (molt energètic)

The National Orchestra of Sweden
The Concert Hall boasts an orchestra of 109 musicians, which has developed from a small regional ensemble association to a full symphony orchestra. When the Concert Hall was built in 1935 it was designed for 60 musicians. Needless to say, it has grown since then.

The Göteborg Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1905. Today it is one of the major European orchestras under the auspices of principal conductor Gustavo Dudamel. The orchestra performs over 100 concerts a year at the Göteborg Concert Hall, touring the world in between times.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

quines parets més rectes, sense sortints ni entrants.
Per la forma trapezoïdal ja eviten gran part de reflexions (si fossin paral·leles el so es reflexaria infinitament...)
i el sostre deu dirigir les ones a totes les parts del públic!
molt maca la foto!